Tuesday 10 December 2013

Metasploit Framework for Windows.

Metasploit Framework is the best penetration testing application, while we can use it for some serious hacking stuff.
If you use Linux BackTrack or Kali, then you will already find it pre-installed in it.
And for Windows, Download from the link provided at the end.
Its very easy to install and use.
It is like an all-in-one Hacking Kit, wecan use it for scanning vulnerabilities, DNS Spoofing etc....
It is mostly used for exploiting remote systems.

How to use [exploits]:
1. Enter the command "show exploits" and choose any one of them.
2. Then choose a payload by typing in "show payloads".
3. set rhost and lhost[Type "show options" or "show advanced" for help]
4. At the end just type in "exploit", and you are free to handle your target remote system.

Detailed info and using process here >>>  Tutorials

Direct Download link Metasploit Framework for Windows [32-bit] >>> metasploit-latest-windows-installer.exe

Direct Download link Metasploit Framework for Windows [64-bit] >>> metasploit-latest-windows-installer.exe

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